Affordable Gemstone Jewelry

// List of countries we want to block // To see this in action add your country code to the array var blacklist = ["VN", "AT", "IN", "PK", "KR", "RU", "IR", "HK", "CN", "BD", "LK", "SG", "BZ", "UA", "TR", "DE", "ID, "IT", "MA", "ES", "MD", "GH", "JP", "GB", "FI", "BR", "BO", "MY", "CO", "BJ", "AZ", "KE", "PL", "NL", "KZ", "RO", "SA"] // Getting the country code from the user's IP $.get("", function (response) { // Checking if the user's country code is in the blacklist // You could inverse the logic here to use a whitelist instead if (blacklist.includes(response.country_code)) { alert('This content is not available at your location.'); } else { alert("You're allowed to see this!") } }, "jsonp");